venerdì 3 dicembre 2010

Dog or cat?

"Do you prefer dogs or cats?" 
Until a few years ago I answered immediately and without delay: "The dogs, of course, I am faithful, do not betray you even if you're the worst of men and abused them. For them  you are the leader of the pack and they could die for you, they are also affectionate , play, make you and company are smart. Instead, the cats are independent, cold, lonely, become attached to the house and not the people, not make you company and if they are on their way. "
This I thought, like most people, dogs and cats, until I had the "fortune" to find abandoned on the street and in a plastic bag near a dumpster, a kitten a few days, I grew up and kept with me for thirteen years, until its death.

In these years of living together I realized that in fact even the cats become attached to people with whom they live, they are close to you, pamper, play with you and love you.

 My cat, a cat plain white and red like many others, when I came home and called her (her name was Amber), immediately came to greet me and start rubbing and when I sat down to read or study on my own she jumped on my knees and I kept her company, also, especially a child, he wanted to play, the ambushes me by surprise, he wanted to cuddle. 

Basically it was for me like a dog, she loved me and I loved him and now if I ask "do you prefer dogs or cats," I say that living with a dog is nice, but living with a cat is even better. 


1 commento:

WILLYNA ha detto...

ho ricevuto il Premio Sunshine Awards 2011 e lo condivido con te. Ho premiato il tuo blog! Vedi il mio post
complimenti ^_^